Friday, May 29, 2009

QQC # 2

"Far from scrabbling endlessly and desperately for food hunter gatherers are among the best fed people on earth and they manage this with only two or three hours a day of what you would call work which makes them among the most leisured people on earth as well. "(220)

What does this mean?

I think that this is talking about the positives that the leavers have and why people of today should go back to being leavers.
I think this is a good quote to motivate people to become leavers again because it says that the time that you work and gather food for yourself in those two hours you have the rest of the day to have for leisure and that sometimes from leisure time you can invent things and create inventions and evolve which is the definition of takers.

Ishmael QQC #1

"The takers have a knowledge that enables them to rule the world and the leavers lack it"

Is this quote referring to takers or leavers?

To me this quote defines the exact definition of what the takers and the leavers are. This quote could be referring to the takers and making the takers seem like they can rule the world and they are the rulers and the ones that evolve the world. Or it could be referring to the leavers and saying how they lack the evolution and the will to make it go on.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Person A- Hi how are you?
Person B- Hey, hows it going
Person A- Im good, so how do you feel about the world we live in today?
Person B- Well, what is there to really think about ?
Person A- Do you think were doing our part in helping the world?
Person B- Well, I recycle so I guess I'm doing my part.
Person A- Well thats good. How do you feel about global warming?
Person B- I think its very sad but i don't see what we can do that can help the problem significantly.
Person A- yeah I see what you mean well what do you plan to do to make a difference other then just recycling?
Person B- I'm going to save the water I use and try and conserve water when I'm brushing my teeth or doing the dishes.
Person A- Thats a good idea! What changes do you see in the world in ten years.
Person B- I think it isn't going to get any better because theres a lot of lazy people in the world.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Story of Man

The story of man began with two people Adam and Eve that God created to test the world and how it is to have human life on earth everything was going to be for them there would be no contest no fighting no violence no worry but since Eve convinced Adam to eat the apple that God made clear not to eat but since the amount of peer pressure that Adam received from Eve Adam did the opposite and now we are paying for the mistake that they both

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Chris Martinez
Karen Garcia
Erricka Delamancha
Eric Salazar

During 1936-1939 Robert Capa took photographs of the punish civil war. Death of a Loyalist Soldier is the photograph our group is going to recreate. As you can see the soldier is by himself. This picture is actually a real shot. Robert Capa quotes that hat if your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.
This picture shows a dying republican soldier in the outskirts of Spain. The photo shows a Spanish republican soldier getting shot. This symbolizes what happens in real life which is that the republicans lost. This scene is taking place in a war zone (fields)in Spain. This photo captures not only a soldier but the great scenery of Spain (not actually Spain). There is a lot of emotion in this photo because of the facial expression given off by the actor.

my final essay

Erricka De La Mancha
April 1st, 2009
The Spanish Revolution
Imagine if you were fighting for something that you felt so passionately about you were willing to go to war and all of your country was on the same side as you and a foreign journalist wrote about the war in their opinion because they are not from your country and don’t know the passion for fighting for something as an important as what type of government they are going to have .This is what the citizens of Spain felt for many years because they kept changing the form of government for a long time. During the time of the Spanish Civil War taking place from 1936- 1940 in Spain there was some American journalists living in Spain to cover the Spanish civil War, For example Ernest Hemingway wrote the book For Whom the Bell Tolls taking place in Spain. The opinion of an American is very different from a Spaniard because they know their culture and know what they were fighting for which was for the government to go from a monarchy to a republic. After reading the book many people disliked Ernest Hemingway because they feel that he made war seem beautiful.
From the article “The Spirit Lives”: A personal perspective on the Spanish Civil War written by Margarette Loke explains who led the war, what troops were fighting and why. The Spanish civil war pitted the well equipped and well trained nationalists who are also known as the fascists who still believe in keeping the government a monarchy. The nationalists were led by Franco. Franco’s forces were supported by Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini, leaders of the fascists. This was an unequal contest because of the leftist republicans. The republicans were supported by the Soviet Union who all had little fighting experience. Together the government created a popular army and militarized the militia. The Civil War broke out and became considered a revolution by how many citizens wanted a change in their government. There was an underground movement where there were some people wanting to make Spain a communist country but did not succeed.
The novel For Whom the Bell Tolls took place in a forest includes the main character name is Robert Jordan who is the protagonist he is an American that supports the republican side. He set out to Spain on a mission, a mission to blow up a bridge for the antifascist guerrilla forces, Robert Jordan Is someone that is very reserved and to himself and doesn’t let personal opinions or the opinions of other get in the way of his work. Then there’s Pablo who is the leader of the guerilla group, No one likes to really be around him as much as they have to because he only cares about himself which makes him come off as an unpleasant person. Pablo is against the republicans. This becomes a big issue because Roberto Jordan hopes that he can rely on Pablo not to say anything about Robert Jordan’s mission being to blow up the bridge. There is a romance in this book that has to do with Maria who is madly in love with Robert Jordan and Robert Jordan loves her too, Maria was a victim of rape by the fascist who invaded Marias town. These three characters are the most important because they all have different point of views dealing with the war and it gives a better understanding on the war and if these were the opinions of these three people and how they felt so strongly imagine how all of Spain must of felt. Especially with Pablo and Robert Jordan because Pablo is basically opposed the republicans Robert Jordan is afraid that he could ruin their mission. The ending is amazing. Just how the novel took place starting in a forest is how this novel ends. After the death and wounds being done by the evil fascists to Robert Jordan's group, he knew something was soon to happen to him. As the rest of the group tries to get away a bullet is shot, the bullet was aimed at Robert Jordan but it hit his horse also getting Robert Jordan's left leg being severely wounded to the point where he knew he could no longer precede with the group. He had thought of killing himself then but decides to show his strength to the fascists, Robert Jordan had lived a good long life has been through so much and wouldn't want it to end in an awful way such as that. Soon after that a lieutenant comes to Robert Jordan as he lies dead.

The opinion of an American journalist is very different from a soldier fighting for the government of Spain. Although For Whom the Bell Tolls gave accurate background about the Civil War it romanticized the idea of war too much where it made the war seem peaceful and beautiful when it wasn’t it was very brutal. Ernest Hemingway represented an important part of the war in the characters in the novel.
The Spanish Civil War has changed many people that have lived through the Civil War because it was simply the argument of becoming a monarchy or becoming a republic. This war was no “fairy tale” where the good guys win. In this case it’s quite the opposite the bad guys won. Obviously fighting against a group with evil leaders such as Hitler and Mussolini the war the republicans needed a miracle to help them win.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Research Outline

Erricka De La Mancha
Feb. 27, 2009
Research Outline
Ⅰ. Thesis : During the time of the Spanish Civil War taking place from 1936 - 1940 In Spain there was some American journalists living in Spain to cover the Spanish Civil War, for example Ernest Hemingway. The opinion of an American is very different from a Spaniard because they know there culture and know what they are fighting for which was for the government to go from a monarchy to a republic.

Ⅱ. From the article "The Spirit Lives" : A personal perspective on the Spanish civil
war, which explains on who led the war, what troops were fighting and why. The Spanish Civil War pitted the well equipped and well trained nationalist’s armed forces, led by Franco, against the poorly armed forces led by Franco, against the poorly armed and trained troops of the elected republican government.

A. Franco’s forces were backed by Hitler and Mussolini, which were leaders of the fascists.
B. It was an unequal contest because of the leftist liberal republicans.

Ⅲ. May 1937 up to May Orwell, By his own account, had little understanding of the differences that existed between the various political groupings in Spain.
A. The communist parties argument that the completion of the revolution would have to be postponed until after military victory had been achieved a convincing one and argued as much with his comrades in the militia.
B. Spain became a monarchy in 1892 they were figuring out if they should be a monarchy or a republic.
C. 1933- Official republic.
IV. Although there was many fights and arguments about what type of government they should be the American opinion is different from a Spaniard fighting soldiers opinion.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Quote: "Despite the snowstorm, Anselmo still mans his post. He watches Fascist soldiers who are headquartered inside a sawmill across the road. He realizes that the soldiers are poor peasants just like him. He remembers the first time he killed a man, which was during a raid that Pablo organized."

Question: If he is relating himself to a peasant then does that give him some understanding on the fascist point of view be being a fascist and being a peasant like him.

Comment: I chose this quote because I know the word fascist is an important word in the book I am reading and i hadn't gotten a good understanding of the word until i came across this quote, I think he sees the man as a peasant before a fascist and i think this is an important quote because he sees him first as what he is then what he became from the war.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Second Revolution Assignment

"The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge." The Spanish Civil War: Reaction, Revolution and Revenge. 12 Feb. 2009

This article was very helpful for me because one of my questions that I had was "When did the Spanish Revolution end ?" and it answered it in the first paragraph so i already knew I could get useful information from this article. This also helped extend my vocabulary because there were many words I didn't know how to pronounce or what they meant so I got to look up those words and see how the connected to the point of the article. This is a good overview of the whole spanish revolution and its in the format of a timeline , it all goes in order.

I will use this atricle for a future resource for my research.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Research questions

The title of the book I am reading for our revolution project is For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernnest Hemingway. This book is from the point of view from a guy names Robert Jordan, he is the main character, He is an amaerican that travels to Spain. He goes to go against fascist forces. This is going on in the year of 1936 where the spanish revolution took place.

How has Spain changed or not changed since the spanish revolution?