Friday, February 27, 2009

Research Outline

Erricka De La Mancha
Feb. 27, 2009
Research Outline
Ⅰ. Thesis : During the time of the Spanish Civil War taking place from 1936 - 1940 In Spain there was some American journalists living in Spain to cover the Spanish Civil War, for example Ernest Hemingway. The opinion of an American is very different from a Spaniard because they know there culture and know what they are fighting for which was for the government to go from a monarchy to a republic.

Ⅱ. From the article "The Spirit Lives" : A personal perspective on the Spanish civil
war, which explains on who led the war, what troops were fighting and why. The Spanish Civil War pitted the well equipped and well trained nationalist’s armed forces, led by Franco, against the poorly armed forces led by Franco, against the poorly armed and trained troops of the elected republican government.

A. Franco’s forces were backed by Hitler and Mussolini, which were leaders of the fascists.
B. It was an unequal contest because of the leftist liberal republicans.

Ⅲ. May 1937 up to May Orwell, By his own account, had little understanding of the differences that existed between the various political groupings in Spain.
A. The communist parties argument that the completion of the revolution would have to be postponed until after military victory had been achieved a convincing one and argued as much with his comrades in the militia.
B. Spain became a monarchy in 1892 they were figuring out if they should be a monarchy or a republic.
C. 1933- Official republic.
IV. Although there was many fights and arguments about what type of government they should be the American opinion is different from a Spaniard fighting soldiers opinion.